2016 Archives
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- Published on Tuesday, 09 February 2016 21:21
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Archived Information for 2016
2016 Officers and Directors
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SOLO Chairman
January 23, 2016
Call to order
Tres report D. Thomas
Check 3509.51
Save 13180.03
Mot to accept c. Moore, 2nd r. Rutter
Club race report C. Moore
2 races at Hallett apt for majors, 2nd later in season schedule avail on midiv.org
Solo report C. Moore
National and divisional schedules have been posted on midivsolo.org regional schedule release planned for Feb with first event scheduled for end of march with t&t/race two day event planned.
Old business M. Council
Update on off season purchases. Computers and radios have been purchased with PA systems and other purchases to continue and be discussed at Feb board meeting.
Motion to adjourn r. Rutter 2nd C. Moore all in favor.
Minutes 2/8/2016
Motion to start meeting - Collin Moore
Mark Council second, all in favor
Motion to accept January minutes - Collin Moore, Mark Council second, all favored.
Treasurer's report:
Checking $3,754.85
Savings $13,180.31
Motion to accept treasurer's report - Collin Moore, Mark Council second, all favored.
Club racing report. Collin and Mark have sent emails to Ark Valley to include them in current race information throughout the year.
Motion to accept - Darci Sharp, Mark Council second, all favored.
Solo report - Collin Moore announced nearby National and Divisional events.
Divisional schedule
Event 1 May 14 & 15 @Topeka, KS
Event 2 June 25 & 26 @ Neosho, MO
Event 3 August 13 & 14 @ Lincoln, NE
National schedule
May 26 - 29 Spring Nats @ Lincoln NE
June 3 - 5 Pro Solo @ Mineral Wells, TX
June 11 & 12 Match tour @ Topeka
August 5 - 7 Pro Solo @ Blythevile AR
Sept 3 - 4 Pro Solo finale Lincoln, NE
Sept 6 - 9 Solo Nats Champ Lincoln, NE
Motion to allow Darci Sharp to make business cards and postcards not spending more than $500 Collin Moore, Second Mark Council, all in favor.
2016 Solo Budget motion to accept Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second, all in favor.
Motion to accept Solo and Road Rally Reports: Collin Moore, Darci Sharp second, all in favor.
Motion to accept Greg Blocker as appointed Executive Assistant - Mark Council, Collin
Moore second, all in favor.
New business:
Stephen Sharp is working on Charter application pending application from Rick Myers at the National office.
Keith Voyles sent email threatening legal litigation against the due to improper notification of nomination meetings in 2015.
Collin Moore read said email from Keith Voyles as follows:
From: Keith Voyles < This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. >
You may forward this to the rest of the board if you like. I with several other members of Oklahoma Region SCCA are having legal counsel review the By Laws because we believe that the Board did not properly give notice of Elections. I will also contact the National office to see if the National By Laws were also circumvented. Please take this as notification of our intent to get this matter reviewed as soon as possible. I would ask the Board to wait on any expenditures until this matter is resolved.
Secondly, I am very upset that a member of this Club was not recognized for his achievements in the Road Racing part of the Club. I am ashamed of the inactions of the leadership not to recognize each members achievements no matter what part of the Club they are involved in.
D Keith Voyles
Collin mentions suspending Keith Voyles OKSCCA membership.
Mark reads the bylaws on suspending a member of the club.
Collin Moore motions to have Keith suspended, Darci Sharp second, motion passes.
Motion to adjourn Collin Moore, second Greg Blocker, all in favor.
March 7, 2016 (Approved)
Call to order @7:00pm - Mark Council
In attendance:
James McClure, Collin Moore, Rocky Rutter, Steve England, Kasey Davis, Al Donovan, John Ederer, Danny Thomas, Stephen Sharp, Darci Sharp, Bill McCreight, Mark Council, Greg Blocker.
Motion to skip reading February minutes Mark Council motion, Greg Blocker second, all approved
Motion to accept February minutes
John Ederer, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Checking account: $4127.61
Savings account: $13181.04
Motion to accept Treasurer's Report - Collin Moore, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Mark asked Collin if the OKSCCA IS updated with the Oklahoma State dept. Collin has put the task on the back burner, but, will pick it back up this week.
Club Racing Report:
July 30-31 @ Hallet
April 9-10 @ US Majors @ Hallet
Collin proposes the question:
Why are no OKSCCA members on the volunteer list for club racing? And then tells the board and members in attendance the perks of volunteering.
Ark Valley is not contacting our club. - Collin Moore has gotten in contact with a member of the region and they should be contraction Mark and Collin with race information.
Motion to accept Club Racing report John Ederer, Mark Council second, all approved.
Solo report:
Tentative dates for Salina mid div June 4th and 5th.
Mark and Stephen worked on the scoreboard on 3/6/16. It no longer works due to a dead short within the communication board. Stephen and Mark purchased a 55" LED TV for $600 to use as the 21st Century scoreboard. It was worked into allocated solo budget. We can still fix the Race America scoreboard if needed; but the minimum charge for repair will be over $500 with shipping.
Mark, Danny, WB, Meredith, Zack, and several more will be going to National Solo at Lincoln so Collin proposes group paddock.
John Ederer brought up drivers DNF and then not knowing they DNF'd. This problem has been fixed with the new display.
Mark announces Solo committee:
Solo Chair - Stephen Sharp
Chief of Timing/Scoring - Mark Council
Chief of Competition/Novice - Collin Moore
Chief of Registration- Darci Sharp
Chief of Safety - WB Sephus
Chief of Tech - Zack Baumgardner
Chief of Workers - James McClure
Chief of Waivers - Bill McKreight
Mark also announced new 2016 Solo Supplemental Rules. They are available on theGasketgazette.org website.
The first event is March 19th test and tune followed by the first points event March 20th.
Stephen Sharp passed out Solo postcards and business cards among the membership.
Motion Collin Moore, Stephen Sharp second, all approved.
Road and RallyCross Report:
Collin Moore has been working with Jim Dewey and has a safety approved Rally course. Collin needs 12 volunteers for pre rally checks, checkpoints and a finish line. Without these volunteers; the rally cannot go on. The first Rally has 4 check points. It is 77.4 miles and is subject to change. Collin is getting in touch with all of the clubs in the area for volunteers and attendees.
The first rally is a Tour rally. The tentative date is May at some time.
Nothing new RallyCross related.
Motion to accept Rally report, second Mark Council, all approved.
Old business:
Rocky Rutter: What happened with Keith Voyles situation? Pending, Danny Thomas is sending the letter certified.
New business:
Steve England anything submitted to Gazette submit via .txt file, do not send .pdf.
Motion to adjourn @ 7:41 Collin Moore, Mark Council second, all approved.
Meeting minutes 4/4/16
Call to order Collin Moore
Stephen Sharp Motion to approve minutes from March without reading them Collin Moore, second, Kasey Davis, all approved.
Treasurer's report from Danny Thomas:
Checking account: $5,825.79
Savings account: $13,181.82
Motion to approve treasurer's report: Kasey Davis, Collin Moore second,
All approved.
Danny Thomas proposes keeping a record of all events/races in the region throughout the year as official scorekeeper.
Motion to make Danny Thomas official score keeper for OKSCCA: Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Club Racing Report:
Collin Moore and Stephen Sharp announce participants of the Majors race at Hallett:
ROGER ADDISON- Formula Mazda
Collin Moore also pushed for our membership to help at the majors event at Hallett 4/9/16 and 4/10/16 to further participation and involvement in Club Racing.
Motion to accept Club Racing report: Kasey Davis, Stephen Sharp second, all approved.
Solo Report:
Collin Moore goes over published National and Divisional events.
Stephen Sharp gives local Solo report:
March 19th T&T: fully booked.
March 20th event 1: 45 entrants; cold weather and windy.
April 3rd event 2: 98 entrants; perfect weather, last car off course by 3:30pm
Collin Moore asked Stephen Sharp to get a quote on re-wrapping our Solo Trailer.
Motion to accept Solo report: Greg Blocker, Second Stephen Sharp, all approved.
Rally report:
Road Rally
GTA Tour style rally on April 17th
$25 per rally team
Roughly 100 mile course
RallyCross is currently on hold.
Motion to accept Rally Report: Stephen Sharp, second Darci Sharp, all approved.
Old business:
Dr. Gary Brown told Mark Council that Keith Voyles has withdrawn his membership from OKSCCA and will be joining NEOKLA SCCA.
New business
Collin Moore is taking a more active approach to making a monthly newsletter and will be showcasing bios of current board members.
Collin is wanting to get more club social events I.e. But, not limited to: meeting at the Seelig's house; meeting at Pole position...
As of March 1st 2016 there are now 228 OKSCCA members and we are officially a medium sized club.
Rocky Rutter wants to see more membership involvement in meetings. He wants us to advertise the monthly meetings to our membership via social media as well as at events.
Motion to adjourn: Darci Sharp, second Greg Blocker, all approved.
OKSCCA Meeting minutes 5/2/16
Opening with introduction of the Board of Directors to to the general membership in attendance.
Motion to skip reading April's meeting minutes and approve: Collin Moore, second Stephen Sharp, all approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Checking account balance: $6,006.50
Savings account balance: $13,182.58
Motion Collin Moore, Darci Sharp second, all approved.
Road race report:
Collin Moore is serving as our road race liaison.
The Hallett event had a few OKSCCA members in attendance:
Roger Addison - Formula Mazda
Jack Donnellan - Lola T598
Michael Siemer - SRF Gen 3
Nick Duncan - STL Mazda Miata
Patrick Hill - SM Mazda Miata
Motion to accept road race report: Kasey Davis, second Danny Thomas, all approved.
Solo Report:
The April 24th event was rescheduled for May 15th, then rescheduled for May 22nd due to scheduling conflicts with NEOKla.
Motion to accept: Darci Sharp, second Stephen Sharp, all approved.
Road rally report:
Collin Moore:
Planning on having a May event, not sure of the date yet.
Motion Stephen Sharp, Danny Thomas second, all approved.
Old business:
Stephen Sharp informed the board that wrapping the trailer would be very expensive. After speaking with Mark Council and Collin Moore we have decided to take the old decals off and buff the trailer. After the trailer is cleaned we will get new OKSCCA and Gasket Gazette decals.
$100 for supplies for the trailer
$200 for decal
Motion to approve trailer upgrade: Collin Moore, Stephen Sharp second, all approved .
Collin Moore has gotten our new radios in.
New business:
Mark proposes that we spend some money
-on getting new cones for the solo program $1,000 for 200 cones +/-
-getting a new scoreboard $1,200 +/-
-getting a PA
-Backup timing eyes $300 +/-
Motion to allocate $3,500 to the solo committee Collin Moore, Second Darci Sharp, all approved.
Quick note:
Mark and Stephen went to The Lloyd Noble
To run the VTR autocross, 49 entries, 40 second course.
Only two break downs
Mike Piggott got 1st in his class.
Meeting adjourned @7:39pm
June 6, 2016
Meeting minutes 6/6/16
Motion to not read last meeting’s minutes: Darci Sharp, second Greg Blocker, motion passes.
Motion to accept last month’s meeting minutes: Greg Blocker, second Darci Sharp, motion passes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Danny Thomas
Checking: $4,483.21
Savings: $13,183.36
Motion to accept treasurer’s report: Mark Council, Second Greg Blocker, motion passes.
Solo Report:
Stephen Sharp:
May 22nd event had 41 participants and netted $ $694.79.
Next local Event is June 19th at Remington Park.
Motion to accept Solo Report: Stephen Sharp, Rocky Rutter second, motion passes.
Collin contributed the road rally and Club Race Report via email:
"Mark, Stephen and the rest of the crew,
I will not be able to attend this evening's meeting. So what I will do is deliver my reports for the programs where I have responsibility. On the Rally front, I am currently in the finalizing process right now on the Eastern Oklahoma Tour Rally with an expected event date in October to minimize impact with the Solo program. I also have sanction forms that need signed for a Hare and Hound rally to be held at a convenient time this summer. I'll be making a post to the RoadRally Facebook group in the next couple of days to poll for a date. In Club Racing, the next scheduled event weekend that directly impacts OKSCCA is July 29-31. This event will be held at Hallett and hosted by KVRG or KC Region and KS Region. During the course of the weekend will also be HPDE/PDX events on both 7/30&7/31 and a Bracket Enduro to be held on the same weekend. HPDE/PDX will allow solo competitors instructed and observed track time for around $150 in their solo cars. Bracket Enduro will allow competitors up to 6 hours of track time in a car that passes the standard technical inspection of SCCA Club Racing. Required safety gear for entrants are firesuit, Nomex undies, certified gloves and shoes as well as a Snell SA helmet within the last TWO review periods (2010 & 2015 are the current standards accepted) or an FIA 8860-2012 or 8860-2015 helmet. Eligible cars are current GCR legal E-Production, Improved Touring R, GT3 and Super Touring eligible vehicles that have current annual inspection from either the national office through a US Majors Tour event or a current annual through MiDiv. There is not a competition license requirement for BE and the event counts towards the alternative path to competition licensing; meaning that after participation in a BE and a regional/divisional school the entrant would be eligible for a regional license and after three additional regional events would be eligible for a full national license. There has also been talk about KVRG hosting a regional school that weekend as well but I have not seen anything concrete on that front. As soon as I know if there'll be a school I'll disseminate the information to the membership through the Gazette and related Facebook groups.
Regards, Collin Moore
Motion to accept the Road Rally and Club Race Report: Mark Council, Darci Sharp Second, motion passes.
Old Business:
The Solo Trailer is painted and has new tires.
Collin Moore has the new radios.
Mark has ordered the new PA as well as the new scoreboard.
New business:
We will be buying new cones for the Solo program, the old cones will be given away.
Stephen Sharp wants to get new Solo awards that are similar to the NEOkla Region’s cone shaped awards.
New styled solo awards should cost $750 or less. The budget was $500 for the year.
Stephen Sharp made a motion to extend the budget by $250 to cover the new awards. John Ederer Second, motion passes.
Bob and Michelle Seelig attended the Spring Nationals in Lincoln, Nebraska. Bob came in 12th out of 17 in STS and Michelle came in 1st in STS-L.
Bob and Michelle also attended the Spring Nationals Pro Solo in Lincoln, Nebraska Bob was 15th of 16 in STS and Michelle was 5th of 10 in L3.
Mark Council and Bob Seelig attended SCCA Pro Solo in Mineral Wells Texas. Mark placed 3rd in CAM and qualified for the Super Challenge, Bob placed 3rd in STU.
Motion to adjourn: Darci Sharp, second Greg Blocker, motion passes.
Meeting is adjourned 7:20pm
July 11 2016
7:02 call to order
Motion to accept last month's meeting minutes without reading them: Darci Sharp, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Treasurer's report: Danny Thomas
Checking account: $5,041.25
Savings account: $13,184.12
Motion to accept treasurer's report: Darci Sharp, Stephen Sharp second, all approved.
Road Race report:
Collin Moore is absent
KVRG is hosting a club race/bracket enduro at Hallett on July 30th and 31st.
Motion to accept Darci Sharp, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Solo Report: Stephen Sharp
The last event at Remington on June 19th had 58 participants and we cleared $1,084.49.
The dual region event at Stroud on July 10th had 80 participants. The amount of income is still pending with NEOkla.
Greg Blocker has posted an event in the OK Mustang Club to boost attendance at the July 24th event.
Mark proposes a military appreciation event before the end of the year to offer former and active military members a discounted rate to promote program growth.
Motion to accept solo report Darci Sharp, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Old business:
Collin Moore has still not provided radios. Danny Thomas said that we weren't owed any money from the original purchase Collin made. Moving forward Stephen will purchase radios if Collin has not done so.
Stephen and Mark have made all of their allocated solo purchases as approved by the board except timing eyes.
New business:
Mark wants to buy new helmets, open faced SA 2010 by the end of the year for the SOLO program.
2017 board nomination meeting will be the 2nd Monday of September. Voting should be completed by the end of the year.
Motion to replace trailer Jack Mark Council, Greg Blocker second, All approved.
Fans for the trailer motion Darci Sharp, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Mark proposes expanding the awards budget to allow for "better" awards.
Motion to adjourn: Greg Blocker, Darci Sharp second, all approved.
Meeting adjourned 7:32
Meeting Minutes August 1st 2016
Call to order 7:08
Motion to accept last month's meeting minutes without reading them:
Greg blocker, Darci Sharp second, all approved.
Treasurer's Report: Danny Thomas
Checking account: $4,768.35
Savings account: $13,184.12
Motion to accept treasurer's report Darci Sharp, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Club Race report:
Nothing to report
Solo report: Stephen Sharp
Remington Park July 24th 41 timed entries
Bob Seelig, Greg Blocker, Zac Blocker, Danny Thomas, Darci Sharp, and Stephen Sharp went to Lincoln Nebraska for the Midwestern Divisional Championship.
We had three Championship winners:
Zac Blocker: 1st place in CAM-C
Danny Thomas: 1st place HCR
Stephen Sharp: 1st place SMF
Motion to accept Solo Report: Kasey Davis, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
Old business
Nothing to report
New business
Nomination meeting was discussed. Will more than likely be in the first week of October; but, is up to the board between today and the September board meeting.
Motion to adjourn: Greg Blocker, Darci Sharp second, all approved.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:20
2016 Officers Nomination Meeting September 12, 2106
Nomination meeting for 2017 board of directors and officers minutes 9/12/16
Nomination for Regional executive
Motion to open: Greg Blocker, Stephen Sharp second, all approved.
Stephen sharp was nominated and accepted the nomination.
Motion to close nominations for RE: Greg Blocker, Darci Sharp second. All approved
Nomination for Vice Regional Executive
Motion to Open: Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved
Mark Council was nominated and accepted the nomination.
Motion to close nominations for Vice Regional Executive: Greg Blocker, Darci Sharp second. All approved.
Nominations for Board of directors
Motion to open: Stephen Sharp, Mark Council second. All approved
The following were nominated to board of director positions and accepted their nominations:
James McClure
Kevin Knopp
Darci Sharp
Shawn Adams
Greg Blocker
David Brosious
Motion to close nominations for BOD positions: Stephen Sharp, Darci Sharp second. All approved.
Nominations for treasurer
Motion to open: Darci Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
Danny Thomas was nominated and accepted the nomination.
Motion to close nominations for treasurer: Darci Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
Nominations for secretary
Motion to open nominations for secretary: Stephen Sharp, Mark Council second. All approved.
Derek Mason was nominated and accepted the nomination.
Motion to close nominations for secretary: Darci Sharp, Stephen Sharp second. All approved.
Motion to adjourn: Stephen Sharp, Mark Council second. All approved.
September 12, 2016 (Approved
Call to order @ 7:03pm
Motion to skip Reading and approved August's meeting minutes: Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
Treasurer's report; Danny Thomas:
Checking account balance: $5,827.10
Savings account balance: $13,185.68
Motion to accept treasurer's report: Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
Club Racing Report: N/A
Motion to accept no report: Greg Blocker, Darci Sharp second. All approved.
Solo report; Stephen Sharp:
September 11th event had 65 entries.
Mark Council got the PA system working correctly.
Four members of the OKSCCA went to the 2016 Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championship: Mark Council, WB Sephus and Meredith, as well as Danny Thomas.
The idea of the OKSCCA hosting a divisional event was discussed and it was decided that WB Sephus would be contacted for further information.
Motion to accept solo report: Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
No old business to discuss.
New business:
Stephen Sharp is contacting venues for the annual awards banquet.
Motion to adjourn: Darci Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
October 3, 2016
Call to order at 7:00pm
Motion to accept last month's minutes without reading through, Stephen Sharp, Darci Thomas second, all approved.
Solo report: Stephen Sharp
Nothing new to report, next event will be October 16th at Remington Park.
Motion to accept Solo report: Rocky Rutter, Mark Council second, all approved.
No Club racing report
No Rally report
Old business:
All purchases for 2016 have been completed by the solo committee.
Mark Council made a motion to approve the 2017 Solo helmet budget for $1,500. Stephen Sharp second, all approved.
Stephen Sharp is still trying to get in contact with Hilton Garden Inn downtown for the annual awards banquet.
Motion to adjourn: Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second, all approved.
November 7, 2016 (Approved)
On Nov 7, 2016, at 11:16 AM, Stephen Sharp < This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
Good morning all.
Due to a lack of substance for tonight's meeting we are looking to just doing a couple of items via email instead of going to Rudy's.
So now that I have all of your attention; I make a motion to cancel the meeting at Rudy's and just hit the points that need to be touched via email.
It's official, we are just going to do a quick rundown.
SOLO Report:
So our Solo event had 53 entries. We split it into two events and ran a slightly different course in the afternoon.
Treasurer's report:
Checking $5758.79
Savings $13186.44
Solo #9 made $1252.41
Solo #10 made $814.47
Club Race Report:
The National Office has posted the dates for the US Majors Tour and the new Hoosier Tire Super Tour dates. There is one date scheduled so far for Hallett Motor Racing Circuit in Jennings for April 7-9, 2017. The Hallett date is for a Hoosier Super Tour event. The Super Tour is marginally different than a US Majors Tour event in that the weekend will also include a Bracket Enduro AND a HPDE/PDX event on top of the SCCA National Run Offs Presented by Garmin Virb qualifier event. The qualification process for the Run Offs is changing slightly for 2017 as well with Majors and Super Tour events counting for different levels of qualifications points. Club racers will be happy to know that the change makes it easier to qualify for the Big Show in Indianapolis in 2017. The remainder of the club race schedule for 2017 is TBD with the possibility of additional events at HMRC, Heartland Park Topeka, The Race Track Formerly Known As Gateway International, Pikes Peak Int'l, I-80 Speedway and others within the division.
On other club race news I am currently going through divisional, Majors Tour and Run Offs results for our club racer of the year award. I also nominate Lynne Cooper for race worker of the year. Lynne is Bill McCreight's lady friend. Lynne bought a membership in the SCCA just to be able to volunteer at the US Majors Tour event at Hallett back in April and has been a valuable asset for the program and the club with her volunteer efforts this year.
Rally Report:
Nothing new at this time as far as events scheduled within the three region area comprised of OKSCCA, NEOKLA and Wichita Region RoadRally wise. I'm coming to the end of the season for work and will utilize that time to work on several rally routes to put into motion for 2017 and will update the board and membership as work progresses on these routes.
On additional RoadRally news, I'd like to nominate Kevin Knopp and his pop Roger for Rally Team of the year. The Reincarnation Rally was their first ever SCCA events, for which they too purchased a membership to participate in and came in first place overall in the Reincarnation Rally with a grand total of 84.5 penalty points. In a regards to the Rally Worker of the Year Award, I'd like to nominate Jim Duea for that honor. Without his help and guidance, our sole RoadRally event this past season would not have happened and future events would just be pipe dreams.
As everyone is probably already aware, Bob Seelig, brought home, after many years of trying and missing out marginally, a national championship in the Front Wheel Drive Prepared class. OKSCCA has interest in holding a RallyCross, however a lack of site is hampering that process. I'd like to put a call out to the entire membership in regards to site acquisition. The National Office has a presentation package and site acquisition team that will assist with pitching the idea to land owners, but we must first make contact with the prospective owner prior to the National AQ team getting involved. If you or any member knows of a site consisting of relatively flat, pothole and livestock free land that the owner would not mind grass or other ground hugging vegetation being present after we are done please have them get into contact with me ASAP so we can start the site acquisition process and get this program off the ground as well.
Old business:
We are looking at having the awards banquet at Remington and Collin Moore is working with myself and his contact there to get everything set in stone.
December 5, 2016 (Pending Approval)
Call to order 7:00 Mark Council
Motion to accept last month's minutes without rereading them Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
Treasures report Danny Thomas
Checking: $4,895.12
Savings: $13,187.22
2016 net profit: $1,058.34
Motion Stephen Sharp, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
Road race report n/a
Rally report n/a
Solo Report : Stephen Sharp
WB Sephus and Bob Seelig will be putting us in the running to host a divisional event at Remington Park.
Mark still needs to buy helmets for the Solo program for 2017.
Motion to accept, Mark Council, Greg Blocker second. All approved.
Motion to adjourn: Greg Blocker, Stephen Sharp second.