August 5, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Category: 2013 Archives
Published on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 19:16
Hits: 1753

OKSCCA Board/Membership Meeting Minutes

August 5, 2013

Board members present were Larry Bower, Al Donovan, John Ederer, Jeff Norris, Patty Topp, Bob Seelig, and Michelle Seelig. Scott Bauman, SOLO co-chair, was also present.

Patty reported $3218.28 in the checking account. Savings account balance is $6672.22.

Jeff motioned to accept treasurer’s report, John seconded; motion carried.


          158 members as of July.

          John motioned to accept July meeting minutes, Jeff seconded; motion      carried.

          Gateway Double Major was last weekend in St. Louis.

          Jeff motioned to accept race report, Patty seconded; motion carried.

          Event #6 is 8/25.

          SOLO team was asked to get names of people interested in a Safety

Steward class. John said he will make an announcement at the 8/25 event.

          SOLO team needs more magnets for trophies. Scott is working on getting

a price for these.

Michelle motioned to accept report, Patty seconded; motion carried.

Chili Bowl dates: January 14-18.

Patty motioned to accept old business, John seconded; motion carried.

Larry suggested the region host a Tire Rack Street Survival® Teen Driving School. Bob said he will get information from Linda Duncan and forward to the board.

Jeff motioned to accept new business, Al seconded; motion carried.

John motioned to adjourn, Patty seconded; meeting adjourned. Next meeting September 9, 2013, 7:00 pm.   

Addendum: SOLO team reported they need two new batteries. Jeff motioned to budget $150 to the SOLO team for new batteries, John seconded; motion passed.