Oklahoma Region Policies & Procedures



Updated May 1994



The following sets forth the general policies and procedures governing the operation of Oklahoma Region, SCCA, events, year-end awards and other sanctioned activities.


Pursuant to the Authority set forth in the Bylaws of the Oklahoma Region, SCCA, the business of the Oklahoma Region, SCCA is conducted by the elected officers and directors who are:

            Regional Executive                                Four (4) elected Directors

            Regional Executive-Elect                       One (1) Past Regional Executive

            Secretary                                              Chapter Presidents



The Officers and Directors of the Region approve:

            Establishment of all committees

            Appointment of all committee Chairpersons

            Gasket Gazette advertising rates

            Solo II rules

            Rally rules

            Special event Rules (Concours, etc.)

            All event entry fees, including race events

            All Oklahoma Region event budgets, including race budgets

            Race schedules, programs and supplementary regulations



The Regional Executive and the Activities Chairperson shall be in charge of all club property and equipment during their tenure. They shall act as custodians of the Region’s real property and equipment and, within 45 days of taking office, conduct a joint inventory with the outgoing custodians. A copy of the inventory, listing the property and equipment by type, amounts, locations and condition will be filed with the Region Secretary.

The most current inventory will be considered by the Board of Directors when making/approving new purchases of real property and/or equipment for use by the Region.



The treasurer shall be in charge of all Region merchandise and make periodic reports to the Board of Directors.



An Oklahoma Region member is required to pay National and Regional dues. To enter Region events at member rates, one must hold a current SCCA membership card or evidence of membership.



Each new member shall receive one Oklahoma Region decal in his/her Membership packet supplied by the Membership Chairperson. The Membership Chairperson will obtain these decals from the Treasurer or Treasurer’s representative. Only members in good standing shall be allowed to display the National and Oklahoma Region, SCCA decals on their vehicles. Members who sell a vehicle should remove National and Regional decals before disposing of vehicles.



Event entry fees shall be set by the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Region and published in the Gasket Gazette. Exceptions may be made for certain events if approved by the Board of Directors and announced prior to the event.



  1. Suitable trophies for non-speed events will be awarded on the following basis:

Class Entrants                                 Trophies

      2                                              1st Place only

      3-4                                           1st & 2nd Place only

      5-7                                           1st to 3rd Place only

      8 or more                                 1st to 4th Place only

  1. Ties: In the event of ties, duplicate awards will be given and the next award position will be omitted.
  1. Special Awards: The Board of Directors may approve special awards when deemed appropriate.
  1. Year End Awards:
  1. Oklahoma Region Year End Awards are as follows:

1. Overall Participant of theYear

  1. Elouise Norris Race Driver of the Year
  2. Wiley Hunt Rookie of the Year
  3. Rally Driver of the Year
  4. Rally Navigator of the Year
  5. Worker of the Year
  6. Solo II Driver of the Year
  7. Rally Class Winners
  8. Solo II Class Winners
  9. Margaret England Award
  10. Marshall-Saucier Award
  11. Tabs for 5, 10, 15 & 20 year membership
  12. Plaques for outgoing R.E., Officers & BOD members
  13. Rally Worker of the Year
  14. Race Worker of the Year
  15. Solo II Worker of the Year
  1. Award Determination: Recipients of Year End Awards will be determined as follows:
  1. The Overall Participant of the Year shall be chosen based on all Oklahoma Region contest events. The diver of each car finishing an event (also navigator in the case of rallies and miscellaneous events and entrants for concours events) shall be awarded points equal to the car’s finishing position as shown below. To determine the championship, the points for each member’s best six (6) events shall be totaled with the highest score winning, provided that not more than two (2) best scores in each of the below listed categories are considered. In the event of ties, the next highest score of the individuals will be considered, regardless of category, until a winner is determined.
  1. Event Categories
    1. TSD Rallies
    2. Solo Events
    3. Races
  1. Solo II Driver of the Year Award will be determined by using an index system designed to equalize the performance for each class. This index will be updated annually prior to the first event and shall remain constant throughout the Solo II season. The best/highest total of all events minus 2 shall determine the Oklahoma Region Solo II Driver of the Year. Points will be kept by the Solo II Chairperson.
  1. Solo II Driver and Rally Class Awards will be determined by the largest number of points accrued in each class during the year in Oklahoma Region events designated as points events. Also, to be eligible for a class award, a driver or rallyist must have participated as a contestant in that class in at least 50% of the points events held. Rally points will be awarded by the same system as in (3) above, except that Championship standings will be based on points earned in an individual’s best (ie. Highest point count) finishes in either five events or in one-half the total number of eligible events (rounded upward in case or an odd number or events), whichever is greater. There will be no distinction made between rally points earned as driver or navigator.
  1. Margaret England Award: This award is given annually to a member of the Oklahoma Region determined by the Region Board of Directors to have been the most valuable member of the Region during the year. The award is given as a traveling trophy with the recipient also receiving a plaque for permanent retention.
  1. Marshal-Saucier Award: This award is given periodically to an Oklahoma Region member whose official Region of Record as recorded in the membership file at the SCCA National Office is the Oklahoma Region and who wins an SCCA National Championship in any competitive speed or non-speed event.
  1. Worker of the Year Award: This award is given periodically to an Oklahoma Region member who ass accrued the most participation points by working SCCA events during the Year. The method of awarding points will be published frquently in the Gasket Gazette and kept by the activities chairperson.
  1. Membership Tabs: Eligibility will be based on consecutive years membership in SCCA and determined from records kept by the Treasurer and/or Membership Chairperson and verified by SCCA National Headquarters.
  1. Regional Executive, Officers & Board Award: A plaque will be provided to the out-going R.E., Officers & Board Members for service rendered during the year of tenure.
  1. Rally, Race and Solo II Worker of the Year Award: A trophy will be presented to a person from each program that has accumulated the greatest number of worker points.



The continued vitality of our Club is determined to a large extent by the support an involvement of our membership. To this end, initiative, creativity and enthusiasm shown by individual members on behalf of the club is to be encouraged. However, any activity such as soliciting funds, advertising or sponsorship for any event of project involving our Club or volunteering our Club’s assistance in any third party event or project, may impact the Club’s pubic image and could possibly have legal and/or insurance coverage limitations. Such activities must therefore have pre-approval by, and be coordinated through, the Board of Directors.



  1. SPEED EVENTS: Rules for conducting all races, driver’s schools. hillclimbs, Solo I and other speed events shall comply with current SCCA General Competition Rules (GCR) and such other requirements as may be imposed by the Region Directors, SCCA National Administrators and the event chairperson.
    1. Rules for Solo II events and TSR Rallies will be published annually for the conduct of Oklahoma Region events and will follow, where practical, those published by SCCA National Headquarters. For points to be awarded finishers, see Policies, Paragraph 4b.
    2. Rules for the conduct of concours will be developed by the event Chairperson and published in the Gasket Gazette in advance of the event. Points will be awarded finishers in each class as in Policies, Paragraph 4b.
    3. Rules for the conduct of miscellaneous events will be developed by the event chairperson. Participants will be advised of the rules as far in advance as deemed practical by the event chairperson. Points will be awarded to finishers as in Policies, Paragraph 4b.
  1. REGISTATION: Except for races and Solo I speed events, event chairpersons or their designated representatives will obtain registration documents and instructions from the Oklahoma Region Chief of Registration.
  1. MONIES COLLECTED: All monies collected for registration, memberships or merchandise sales at any Oklahoma Region event are to be noted on the recap sheet provided by the Region Treasurer. The recap sheet and all funds are to be turned over to the Treasurer within fourteen (14) days of the completion of the event. Failure to comply with this procedure may result in the cancellation of the next similar event.
  1. REGION PROPERTY: the Oklahoma Regional Executive and the Activities Chairperson are the custodians for all Region equipment during their tenure and will develop rules and guidelines for the use and/or loan of all such equipment. These rules will be developed and presented to the Baord of Directors for approval as soon as practical after they have completed their inventory of the Region’s real propery and equipment. Use or rental of the Region’s equipment by non-Region persons for non-Region events must be approved by the Board.
  1. REGION DIRECTORY: The Membership Chairperson will publish and distribute a directory of Oklahoma Region Members as of the 1st of March each year. The directory will list the members name, address and telephone number. Copies or the directory will not be distributed to non-Oklahoma Region members.
  1. EVENT BUDGETS: Line item budgets for all Oklahoma Region events are to be presented to the Board of Directors for approval before any such event is held. Budgets for all Region Activities are to be submitted to the Board no later than the February Board meeting.
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